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GPO - Grow people and organizationns

About us

GPO - Grow People & Organizations – A professional human resource services provider supplies total HR solutions including: (i) Executive Search and Selection service; (ii) Public and In-house Training services on business administration skills, Managerial and Leadership skills, soft skills; (iii) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) on staffing, payroll, PIT clearance; (iv) Consulting services on human resource system management, building capacity framework, building total reward system (3P salary), talent management system and (v) Career Counseling and Overseas Study Counseling for high school pupils and students and Lifetime Career Management for adults.

GPO gathers a team of international experienced and enthusiastic experts. With a passion and burning desire to help Vietnamese people & enterprises can confidently create miracle achievements and build world-class businesses & global brands, GPO provides useful solutions to enhance the value and develop Vietnamese human resources with an up-to-date and advanced management system and knowledge.

Our Mission: Better People, Better Future!

Why us?

GPO provides individuals with useful values for their continuous development on competence, therefore contributes to the overall development of their enterprises.


Our services

With over 10 years of professional experience, we always provide solutions
best for customers, and we don't want you to miss it.

Recruitement service

Recruiting middle and senior personnel, recruiting engineers, management experts from abroad and the ASEAN region. Introduce job opportunities for foreign partners, companies and corporations in Vietnam and the ASEAN region


GPOs provide business process support services in the HR services sector such as HR administration, payroll ... to help businesses minimize time for these administrative tasks and focus on customers. and their business strengths
>> More information: hroutsourcing.gpo.vn

Internal training services

Supply interval training courses and public about soft skills, management skill, human resource management skill and enterprise management skill
>> More information: http://training.gpo.vn/

Business consulting services

BSC & KPI, Build salary scale system and remuneration system, talent management system

Digitalization service

Digitalization interval training 
Provide e-learning service for enterprises

Career counseling / study abroad services

• Lifetime career career, successful connection
• Overseas study consultation 
• Counseling on trainees
>> More information:



Corporate customers






Career Counselling Customers



Workshops, training programs



News & trends